When my daughter was younger, we served in the Healing Rooms at our local Church at the time. They had kids serving alongside of the adults but in a different way. The kids would go into a different soaking room and ask God how He saw the people He wanted to love on. God would show these children, and they would draw out what God had shown them to draw for individuals in the other room.


           This one week we are walking into the building, there was a lady who pointed at my daughter as she walked in. She said “YOU”! I quickly stepped between my daughter and the lady like a Mama Bear to assess the situation. The lady started to get tears in her eyes as she stood up and walked over. I asked her “what happened?” The lady had begun to share what my daughter had drawn her from the previous week. “She drew me a Police Car, a butterfly, and a sunshine with a huge smiley face on it.” I proceeded to looked puzzled I’m sure because to me that absolutely meant nothing. To her, in her eyes I could see it meant everything to her.


           She proceeded to say, “No you don’t understand! I am a Police Officer! The butterfly that she drew was the same one I have as a tattoo a year ago to honor my father who had passed away. He absolutely loved butterflies! The sun with a smiley face, was like a warm hug from Heaven. It said to my heart that I see you and am still shining down on you with a smile on my face.” My daughter, who was unphased smiled and said “Jesus loves you!’ She ran to go to the kids’ room to be with her friends. I began to tear up and give the lady a hug and tell her how much I appreciated her sharing. That God loved her, and spoke through a six year old to share His love for her.


God loves to share His heart with His children for everyone. Listen to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to show you how He sees you!


Post-Pandemic Art in Macao
