Dreaming Big

My earliest dream, or ambition was to draw and tell stories with my artwork and characters.  I got my first shot to do this when I was in the first grade. We were assigned a bookmaking project. I wrote an illustrated my very first book titled El Osito, which means Little Bear in Spanish. It was a story about a little panda, how he was born, and how one day he got lost and was later found. I ended up winning first place at the Young Author’s Conference. I remember going to the local high school with my mom and siblings to receive my award up on stage in front of hundreds of people. It was awesome! I still have the illustrated children’s dictionary I got as a prize. I was so happy.

Then the wheels came off… brokenness happened… failure happened… I lost my voice, lost my wings, and lost my artistic dreams… in other words, I got lost.


I will share more about the deep brokenness I experienced at another time. For now, I’ll just share briefly that I was hurt by abuse in my childhood and into adult life. Despite all the dysfunction in my earlier life, I was always drawn to God and the things of God. However, the more I tried to pursue a relationship with God, the more I seemed to face obstacles and difficulties that set me back.


I now know there is an enemy determined to crush the spirits and dreams of those who seek God, by any means necessary. This enemy began to attack me at a very young age (through others influenced by his darkness). I of course did not know this and was very confused about what was happening to me. I ended up believing many lies about myself, about God, and about others. These lies led me down wrong paths in my adolescent and young adult years and caused me to lose my identity –including my identity as an artist.


I finally reached the point where I couldn’t bear the pain any longer. It was then that I cried out to God like never before. The Lord heard my cry for help, and He answered. He rescued me from a life of abuse and confusion and began to heal my mind and my heart.


While in hiding at a domestic violence shelter for women and children, I was encouraged to dream again at one of our support group meetings. One of the first dreams that resurfaced for me was my dream of being an artist, and of going to the art school of my dreams, Art Center in Pasadena, California. I remember writing it down and smiling at the thought of it coming true but having doubts… it was such a big dream for a woman in her mid 30s trying to overcome trauma and facing homelessness.

As impossible as this dream seemed to me at that time, there was something inside of me that believed it could come true, so I prayed that it would if it was part of God’s will for my life.


As I learned to walk closer with God, He began to guide my steps. About a year later I was attending Art Center College of Design. I couldn’t believe that after all my failures and against all odds God would open this door for me. But He did. I graduated with honors in Illustration.


It still blows my mind how I was able to get the funding to do so. God knew what I needed, and he made a way. It wasn’t about going to a prestigious and expensive art school; it was about the lost me being found. It was about rediscovering God’s love for me, and regaining the courage to pursue the dreams and purposes he placed in my heart long ago.


It was one of many miracles I’ve witnessed. One that helped me grow in faith and trust in God. I now believe The Lord delights in giving us the desires of our hearts when we delight in him.


I believe the Lord used my time at that school and art making as a healing tool for me –Like a form of art therapy. As I grew in my faith, my desires changed from wanting to do entertainment art to wanting to help people with art somehow.

After graduating from art school, I sensed a strong call to School of Ministry, so I pursued that at my local church, Water of Life. This led me to serve and work at a nonprofit that helps women and children overcome domestic violence. I’ve been serving with Eagles Wings for about five years now and love leading others to freedom and connecting them to the love of God. Although I get to use my design skills often, I wasn’t drawing much. Lately, I sensed the Lord stirring a desire in me to get back to creating art again while still serving.


We recently updated our website and in the process of doing so I had the honor of connecting with Janet Hyun, one of my favorite artists. Janet generously granted us permission to use some of her beautiful prophetic art for our website. I was so inspired by her and her artwork.


Then the Lord surprised me with another miracle. He encouraged Janet to meet me in person. During our first conversation we shared about our love for Jesus, art, and people. It turns out we both graduated from Art Center College. This new friendship has led to new opportunities and more big dreams. God size dreams.

Being an artist is part of my destiny. I’m excited to use all my gifts to honor God and point others to him. I will continue to believe in miracles and walk by faith in our God, who is good and faithful amid trials.

Lord, help us Ascend and Come Together for your glory! Amen!


With love and appreciation,

Susi Limon


“With God, all things are possible.”

-Matthew, 19:26.


“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you a blaze.”

-Isaiah 43:2.

Testimonies by Susi Limon


But God


True Beauty is Wholeness